Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Michael is a gung-ho Romney fan. So last night, spur of the moment he goes and buys a way over-priced T-shirt from the Romney website. I get that it's a campaign donation, but I was a little surprised that he would just go and spend that much for a T-shirt. But I'm all about free speech and political activism, so more power to him. Besides, now I have an excuse to go and get these super cute plates I've been eyeing at Target. :)

Michael assures me it'll even be signed by Mitt himself. Mmm... exciting. :)


hales said...

Definitely go buy the dishes. (of course, you knew I would say that.)
Go Mitt!

K8 said...

can you believe the move McCain pulled in West Virginia? It's up to you guys in California to pull it off for Mitt. Do it Laura. Get it done!

Angela said...

We are surprised that Michael would make such a move. We can't wait to see the t-shirt and Mitt's personal signiture. GO ROMNEY!!!

Cheri said...

That'll be a collector's item now that he dropped out of the race. Can you change it to Romney '12 ??