Monday, April 14, 2008

Green Means "go"

Lately Jessica has been very impatient while we're driving. Any time I slow down and stop at a light she tells me to go, and gets upset that we're stopped. So the other day I took the time while we were driving to explain the whole "red means stop" "green means go" thing. She LOVES it now. Today as we were driving I would ask her what color the light ahead was. She would tell me and then say whether we had to stop or go. When we were stopped at red lights I would say, "Go green! Please go green!" Pretty soon it would change. She was cracking me up because she would then be like, "Dis is so fun! Again!" She was really bummed when we turned onto our street and there were no more stop lights. Silly thing. :)


Keeping up with the Joneses said...

She cracks me up! I Love it! This is a fun age when you can turn everything into a game and how much they love it!!

Bekah and Lance said...

That is so funny!!