As I've mentioned before, Jessica LOVES the snow. I'm so glad we got a picture of the first time she tasted snow.

We also went sledding the other day. Jessica had fun for a little while. I think she just liked being with her Uncle "Nonny" (Jonny).

Jonny and Jessica
Michael, Laura, and Jessica
Like I said, Christmas morning was fun. Even though I got all of Jessica's presents at the dollar store, I think I got too much. She would have been thrilled with just a couple of things. The most excited she got was when I emptied out her stocking and told her it was "candy." She started dancing and giggling. So funny!

"Candy! Yea!"
Michael and I were pretty funny gift-givers. We each got each other exercise videos. :) We had each mentioned wanting that type of thing at some point, so we weren't mad or anything. We just thought it was hillarious. Thanks to everyone for all of the wonderful gifts. We love them all! Here are just a few more pictures of the morning (Jessica, of course).

Michael has been really funny this break about the snow. Growing up in Southern California he never really had much contact with snow. He has LOVED shovelling the sidewalks and driveways. Like I mentioned in an earlier post, he's out there as soon as there's a trace. Too funny. This morning my parent's next door neighbor came out with his snow-blower and "let" Michael use it. I love my silly man. :)

Who smiles this much shovelling?
Here we just plopped her in a pile of snow. She thought it was hillarious.
We've had a great Christmas so far. It really is so much more of a fun holiday with a little Jessica-bug running around.