Friday, June 12, 2009

"Michael is the best" Friday

Michael is still the best. Seriously, I love him like you wouldn't believe. :) Why? Well, he is hilarious. He is so many different kinds of funny. He can do sarcastic dry humor with the best of them and then he has me dying when he does MadTV impressions ("Girl, can I get ur number!?"). No, Kami, he can't quite top you at that, but it is still too dang funny. Plus he's passing it onto Jessica. He always gets her to do and say funny stuff, even though half the time she doesn't get why it's so funny. But she'll keep doing it a million times over b/c she loves to make her daddy laugh. So babe, even though I'm always telling you how very unfunny you are, we both know you are a riot. And that is yet another reason why Michael is the best.


Strawn Fairy Tales said...

Laura, this is such a great idea!

Laura H. said...

Laura, I should remind you that it's, "Girl, can I have your number? Can I have it? Can I have it?"