Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

I know I said that Michael's bike would be his father's day present, but I decided to throw in something extra as well. He's been wanting a chin-up bar. So this is what he got today:

I'd love to say it was a great surprise, but I made the mistake of involving Jessica in the process of buying it and wrapping it. Yesterday she goes up to Michael and is all, "I know where your present is!" Michael was naughty and continued to ask questions that Jessica happily answered. Oh well.

We decided to give it a little try this afternoon. Jessica loves to hang on it. She even did a full chin-up on her own (well almost).

I haven't done chin-ups in I don't know how long. It went a little something like this:

After I tried to do one, Jessica runs off and grabs her step stool. She sets it under the bar and says, "Here you go Mommy. Now you don't have to do the knee thing. It's ok Mommy." Then she starts to sing, "Keep trying and trying!" I think I got a good ab workout just from laughing so hard.


Katyanne said...

I got that for my brother for christmas!!!!

Keeping up with the Joneses said...

Funny that is what I got Dan for dads day too. Great minds think alike eh? Cute picture of Jessica just hanging there, she looks so proud!

Gary and Michelle said...

Upper body strength is overrated!

Happy Father's Day!