We began our morning off at Wal-Mart where Jessica got to pick out a new toy because of some serious potty-time success (I'll spare you the details). She's a girl of simple desires and all she wanted was a shovel. I couldn't believe it when we actually found sand toys this time of year! She's been loving using her shovel and sand bucket out in the snow. Cute kid.
On the drive home we were passing by the mall. "Do you want to go and get some shoes for you?" Michael asked. Wow. He was raised well. Actually, I've been in search of some good basic black dress shoes for a while and everything is either frumpy or not "basic" enough. So he convinced me to search. Here's what I came home with:
Did I need new red shoes? No. But they are SO cute! Plus I have some other shoes in this brand (red ones, actually), and I know they don't kill my feet and they last well. And even though they're the same, they look different enough that I'm not worried about it. AND they were on sale. Do you see the thought process that I was going through? I was trying to decide which to get (the black ones that I needed or the red ones I really wanted more). And then both the salesman (predictably) and Michael said, "Just get both." I'll admit it - the second Michael noticed they came in both colors, I knew this would be the end result. Oh well, Happy Valentine's Day to me! :)
Michael was on a roll and apparently didn't feel like stopping with the spoiling. But I am huge, so clothes shopping for me is currently out of the question. So he dragged (drug?) us into Old Navy (huge clearance sale going on by the way) where we got Jessica a sweater and the little baby-to-be a couple of shirts. While I was looking at some of the baby boy clearance, Jessica comes up to me with this big old bouncy ball (from those vending machines). There really is no stopping my man sometimes. :)
Our last stop (Michael initiated of course) was this little arcade in the mall. Mostly Jessica loved just sitting on the rides, but Michael even let her clink in some quarters on one of them.
Michael, I love you babe. Thanks for knowing when your girls need a little TLC (and some shoes). :)
Hey man, it's all about the shoes. Good thing he learned early on. And they're cute.
You should have played clueless regarding the whole shoe thing until you are in you 40s like I did. Saved a lot of money.
How could he help but end up this way with an uncle like Gary. Birthdays and Christmas around here are so much fun!
Cute shoes.
Okay those shoes are adorable!!!! Way to go Michael! That sounds like the kind of day I NEED (although, Corey just bought me a house so I'm thinking I better lay off the spoiling for just a little bit)! ;)
Post some pregnancy pictures crazy!!! You know we're all dying for your due date to roll around (probably not as much as YOU) so give us a little something! Haha...
WOW! I'm impressed. David HATES shopping. Cute shoes! I'm glad you guys had some fun and got spoiled along the way!
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