Saturday, January 17, 2009

2008 Blurb Book

I got my 2008 scrapbook/Blurb book in the mail today, all printed out and beautiful! If any of you haven't heard about this yet, basically I make digital scrapbooking pages, place them in a program called BookSmart (through and they print out a nice book. Love it! Here's some of the book:

The Front Cover

The Back Cover

Thanks again Amberlynn for introducing me to this fabulous thing!


Keeping up with the Joneses said...

I'm just about to print mine too! I'm impressed that you have already done two!! My book is a 2yr book since I started a little late. I'm glad yours turned out sooo well. I love that you can blog and scrapbook at the same time! Awesome! Hope mine turns out as good as yours!!

hales said...

Those look great. I spent all day scrapbooking the old-fashioned way. I need to join the 21st century . . .

Erika and Jason said...

I really think the book turned out so cute. I need to work and do one of those too.

Amberlynn said...

It's beautiful! I LOVE IT! The front and back covers look AWESOME! My goal is to have my second book done by the end of January. Wish me luck! Love you!

Bill, Kristin, Will and Kayla said...

Such a cute book! I really ought to do something like that as well. Not that I'll have any time come March, but maybe I could get it started, right?

Darger Party of 3 said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!! This looks amazing!!! Really how hard is this to do??? Look how little Jess and Peterson are!

Katyanne said...

i have done one for each year for kadyence and now soren. Also I have done one for my sister and sister -in-law weddings. I like them so much because you can just print 3 or 4 and give them to grandparents and save one for yourself and one that the kids can have when they grow up. its awesome. you can get them all over..costco even does them. and and apple iphoto has one. I think I have gotten one from everyone so far except this will have to check them out. yours turned out so cute.

Skylette said...

wow, that is darling! You are so creative with your pages!

Anonymous said...

cutest!! I think I may have to scarpbook if it this easy online.