Friday, November 8, 2013


September 2013

While I'm afraid I have a sad supply of pictures from the event, my parents we able to come out an visit. They were about to start their mission in Salt Lake City and wanted to make the rounds to visit family. It was great to see them!

They brought this AWESOME blanket for us! Michael keeps it at his office for Chan to sleep with when he comes to watch football games (why do all the games have to start so dang late around here!?). They also brought some of my old ice skating outfits that Mom made me forever ago. Jessica has been living in them. :) Thank you!!

Jessica drew a picture of Grandma and Grandpa. I love how she even captured their facial expressions. :)

1 comment:

OctopusFingerpuppet said...

Jessica's portrait of the grandparents made me laugh out loud. Forever. I'm still laughing. Soooooooo true.