Friday, June 13, 2008

Pool Day!

The three of us went to the pool last night. Jessica had a BLAST! She asks every two minutes to go back to the pool and swim in the "warm water" (the hot tub). Silly thing. She did an awesome job though. Definitely not a water wimp like her mommy. She would go all the way under and not be the least bit phased. There was a couple of times she even tried to jump off the edge when we weren't looking. I'm so glad she's brave.
A little blurry, but I love this one.

This shows just how brave my little bug is.

1 comment:

hales said...

Next thing you know it, she'll be asking for fins and goggles. And then a mask and snorkle. And then "can I get scuba certified?" "Can I go to the Caribbean with Grandma?" (the answer is yes)