Looking our the window with her toys. Silly girl. (Oh, and yes, even though she's wearing a diaper in this pict, we're still working on the potty training thing. We found out she does just as well in diapers as in regular underwear, so this seemed like a less messy approach. She's doing awesome, but still has some progress to make. I'm so very proud of her!)
Swinging at the park. She is no longer willing to use the baby swings. She LOVES the regular kind.
This is the look I got when I went to get her out of time out. Doesn't she look sorry? :)
Putting her own cup back on the counter. She is all about being independent lately. I think "No! I can do it!" is her new mantra.
Hey Laura, this is Kristine (Crandall) Parker. I found your blog through Bekah's. I'm glad you are in IF for the summer and thankfully the weather is now enjoyable! It's been fun to see some pictures. Your little girl is sooooooo cute!
What?? My grandchild was in time-out?? That perfect child?
Lol, that time out face is priceless. I'm glad you had your camera on hand! :)
Hey Laura, this is Kristine (Crandall) Parker. I found your blog through Bekah's. I'm glad you are in IF for the summer and thankfully the weather is now enjoyable! It's been fun to see some pictures. Your little girl is sooooooo cute!
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