Friday, May 23, 2008

Photoscape and Blurb

I'm toying with some new things. A friend of mine just got a Blurb book printed. Basically you make your own book using their software, etc and they print it out in a nice book. It would be so nice to be able to do digital scrapbooking (I HATE having to drag everything out to do normal scrapbooking, only to have Jessica wake up 2 seconds later or have her try to get into everything), AND be able to have a good way to have it printed up. I've been using Photoshop to do my stuff so far, but my friend told me about this free editing software called Photoscape. It doesn't do as much as Photoshop, but the more I get used to using it, the more I like it. Here are a couple things I made today during Jessica's nap.


Bill said...

That is awesome. Your scrapbook pages look great. I'll have to check out that software. We love you guys.

Amberlynn said...

Wow, your pages look far better that mine! Awesome job! Did you see the comment on the side of my blog letting you know what size to size your collage before creating it? 2950x2450. That is that size you'll want to size it for the Large Landscape layout (you mentioned you liked the size I have so I assume that is what you went with). Then, you're collage will fill the entire page, if you want it to. Which I wish I would have known before I did my book. Oh well, hindsight 20/ least I can pass on the info so your first book will ROCK! We miss you guys!