Friday, May 9, 2008

I'm in love!

Ever since track in college (which could have been a much more enjoyable experience), I've kind of been exercise-averse. I've noticed that my not so good fitness habits are finally starting to catch up with me. So spur of the moment, Michael and I bought an infomercial exercise DVD set. Silly, I know. But I am SO in love! I have finally found something that I don't get bored with or have bad flashbacks to days running 300 meter repeats for time. It's called Turbo Jam. I really don't like things like yoga or pilates. They just aren't fun and exciting enough to keep me going. I like aerobics, but some aerobics DVDs and instructors are a little cheesy and over the top and the music is lame. The instructor of these videos is perky and the music would be a little crazy to listen to for whenever, but they both work really well for me. I'm only a few days in, so I can't really talk about results, but I can tell it's something I'm a lot more likely to stick with. Sorry for the weird post, but I just had to announce my exciting new find. :)

1 comment:

Angela said...

I am so glad they turned out as great as you anticipated. Hope it lasts.