Saturday was the BYU/SDSU football game here in good old San Diego. The night before their away games the team puts on a fireside in the area. It turned out they held it in our stake center, so we were happy to go. A few of the members of the team spoke, as well as Coach Mendenhall and his wife. Back when we were at BYU, I tutored student athletes my last year. One of the football players I tutored (Jan Jorgensen) is now a starter. Michael was soooo happy when I introduced him. He's still thanking me for how cool it was. :)
For the game Michael's parents came down and a few friends from church came along also. The weather was much colder than usual, but it was still a blast. Michael loved being able to wear my BYU letterman jacket from back in the day I ran track.
Wow, great pictures of Jessica!
We were glad to see you, even if it was for a short time. I love the pic of you guys, what a cute family you are!
She just gets cuter every day! Glad to see you're all doing well. We love you!
Billy and Kristin
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