Saturday, December 3, 2011

St. Augustine

We had such a good time at Ponce Inlet, that we decided to go yet farther north today to check out St. Augustine, the oldest city in the United States. Little did we know, we got there just in time for the city's Christmas parade. Once we saw the bands, bikers, Tea Partiers, animal shelters, and St. Nick, we moseyed on over to the old fort. I've been to the Spanish fort in Omoa, Honduras probably a dozen times, and this fort was similar, just probably a third of the size. And since we're apparently into lighthouses now, we then drove over the local lighthouse only to find that Chandler and Benjamin would not be allowed up. Chandler was heartbroken until we convinced him that the Ponce lighthouse is not only taller, but way cooler anyway (we'll be back soon). It was again, a fun weekend.

1 comment:

westoverwhatnots said...

Great pictures! It's kinda nice to not have a house and projects every week, huh? It's so nice you're being "tourists" and seeing the sights while you can!