Sunday, August 22, 2010

Jessica's Fourth

Jessica's birthday was yesterday. It's hard to believe that it was four years ago that I missed my first day of law school, and a third-row seat to a Padres game because Jessica decided to come a little earlier than we expected. In such a short amount of time, she's gone from this:

to this:

We started out the day with Jessica's first first trip to IHOP. I can't believe that we've never taken the kids out for breakfast before.

The nice waitress even brought her an ice-cream sunday, for breakfast! I have a feeling that she'll be asking to make this a more regular part of our mornings...

Jessica had a couple friends come over for a princess party lunch. They had a blast painting, eating, and playing dress-up.

Jessica had a great day. I just can't say enough about what a fun, energetic, and sweet girl she is. She's a great example to her little brother and he just adores her. Laura and Chandler were a little sick and had to go to bed early last night, so Jessica and I stayed up late and made a movie quickly reviewing her life. I'll add it here in a second. We love you Jessica!


Kim and Corey Nasfell said...

Happy Birthday Jessica!!!! What a cutie she is! I can't believe how grown up looking she is getting...definitely no more toddler left in her, only big girl princess from here on out! :)

Carly said...

I love the pic of her with the ice cream. I don't know if I have ever seen a happier smile.