Tuesday, January 29, 2008

We live in an amazing country

So last night I was watching the State of the Union Address. I am such a nerd about such things - I just LOVE it! As it started there was President Bush at the podium, Vice President Cheney at his right, and to his left was the Speaker of the House - Nancy Pelosi. Let me preface this by saying that I am in no ways a fan of most things about Ms Pelosi. But I felt such pride to see a woman sitting up there, helping to lead this country. I don't consider myself a feminist, according to many definitions of the word. I am proud to be a woman, but I feel completely fulfilled and accomplished being a full-time mother with no real past work experience. I know that I have the most important and rewarding job that there is, despite what many "feminists" may say about it. That being said, I was kind of surprised by my reaction to seeing Nancy Pelosi, a woman, in such a seat of authority and honor. I have similar swellings of pride when I think that in the presidential race there is a woman up at the front of the pack. Again, I don't necessarily agree with her politics, but I'm proud of what she is doing none the less. While I know that, taken as a whole, the role of mother is much more important than that of Speaker of the House or even President of the United States, I am impressed to see what my fellow women are accomplishing.

1 comment:

Cyndi said...

It makes me smile to here other women share the same views that I have. Thanks for the insight and thanks for standing up to say what you believe!