Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Our Monkey

It's official - we have a monkey. As I've mentioned before, Jessica is a jumper and a climber. A couple nights ago she realized that she could climb out of her crib. Yikes! So at the moment she is in her pack-n-play, since she hasn't quite figured out how to climb out of it. Any advice on this subject would be great. I don't feel like she's to the "big kid bed" stage quite yet. But after hearing her gasp and scream when she fell out of the crib, I'm not sure I want her back in there either.


Anonymous said...

you can get one of those cage/tent things Billy got for Will.

Jon said...

You could always go for razor wire and turn it into the maximum security crib.

Amberlynn said...

Wow, smart girly! Her crib is pretty. This is probably a really dumb question...but I'll ask anyway, is it on the lowest setting? It looks high to me, maybe because our crib is different. Good luck finding the solution. I'm curious to hear how you resolve it.

Laura H. said...


The crib is just a generic picture I found online. I'm silly and feel like every post needs some kind of picture. Her "real" crib isn't quite so pretty. :)


Anonymous said...

Turn the crib upside down and use it as a cage ha ha ha ... I hope you know I am kidding. Wen Grace was able to get we converted to the toddler bed, may not be the advise you wanted to hear. Can I just tell you how cute Jess is ... I love her little smiling face. Lets play sometime!