Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Day At the Beach

It's been pretty chilly the last two months, but yesterday was perfect. We've been to the beach countless times, but we have so much fun that I always seem to forget to get pictures or video. So yesterday I made it my mission to get some video showing our typical beach day. My favorite parts are Chan saving his hat from Benjamin's mouth (and the look he gives him after), Benjamin's face when he touches the water for the first time, and Jessica running. I wanted to intentionally do a corny shot of the water coming and rushing over our names, but it was such a low tide that any writing wouldn't hold, so you'll see what we did which is probably even more funny. I didn't add video of another beach tradition - getting Dunkin Donuts for the ride home and Chandler falling asleep 5 minutes before we get home. As for the music, we all love Brett Dennan, especially Jessica. This is a picture she made for him back in June when she would listen to "Sydney" and "Comeback Kid" every day. What's funny is that this is a fairly good representation of what he looks like.

1 comment:

hales said...

The beach in January. Priceless. Great memories for if you ever find yourself shoveling snow in January again.