Sunday, November 9, 2008

Crafty, Crafty Me!

This past weekend our ward did Super Saturday (a Saturday devoted to making a variety of crafts, etc.). So fun! I made some "Autumn" blocks (ignore the colored-on mini pumpkin in the picture) and a mat for our "The Living Christ." I was in craft-mode after that. I used some similar wooden blocks to the ones I'd used before and made a winter decoration as well. I was pretty impressed with my own craftiness. :) A friend of ours had a super cute apron for her little girl. I've been wanting to copy it for a while, but we don't have our sewing machine here. I finally borrowed one and got that project done as well. It's been a fun weekend for me.


M&M said...

How fun! I love doing little crafty projects like that! We just had a super saturday and I made two little aprons just like that for two of my little sisters. Those little aprons are so cute!

Kristine said...

I love it when we get in that mode. Except it hasn't happened to me much lately. Our super craft day is coming up, so hopefully I'll be feeling crafty then! Yours all turned out great and I love the apron!

Erika and Jason said...

I love Houw your snow block turned out so cute!

Brett & Hailey Cahoon said...

Cute crafts! Is that your scrapbook page? Or is that digital? I like it! The apron looks great too!

Katyanne said...

we actually made aprons one year for a super saturday craft. they were really easy and made from like hand towels... not the little squares but the bigger that still a hand towel??? anyway yours is really cute with the flower.

Yeah your snow craft turned out really cute!!!!