Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Clean Enough

This post got me thinking - what do you do to keep things "clean enough"? Somedays I think I need a big old calendar that I just list all of the cleaning things I have to do that day. I'm not sure it's even possible to keep up with it all when you have so many other things/people demanding time and attention. So help me out - what are the necessary daily things you do to make you feel like your living space is presentable?


Bill, Kristin, Will and Kayla said...

Since the two rooms that people see on a regular basis are the living room and the kitchen, I make sure that the floor of the living room and the computer desk are cleared of anything that doesn't belong, I vacuum if I have time, and I make sure the dishes are done in the kitchen. Beyond that it's whatever I have time for (which, as you know, is not that much until bedtime).

hales said...

I make the bed the second I get out of it. I can't do a thing if the bed isn't made. And I hate dishes in the sink. Also, an empty garbage can looks (and smells) best, so that is done often. (Am I OCD???)

Kate said...

I brush the food crumbs off of our couches and call it good :)