First off is the whole potty-training thing. I tried her on it too early before and decided to hold off until we got here to get going again. I can definitely tell she's older. Progress is coming much faster and I finally feel confident that we won't have to have two kids in diapers.
Second, she has made the complete transition into a "big girl bed."
She had been sleeping on her little princess bed (see the post from her birthday), but it really wasn't big enough/comfortable enough for long term. Yesterday we got her the real deal. She fell asleep so fast last night, which is a miracle considering...
Jessica is off her pacifier!!!! This really is huge. She only used it for sleeping, but she was beyond attached to that thing. She had three. Over the past week or so we would have her throw away one of them at a time. A couple of days ago she went outside with us and we threw the last one in the dumpster.
I was so proud of her. The only problem? When I put her in bed that night we read a story, said prayers, etc and I was walking out of the room when she's like, "Mommy, we forgot my binky." I don't think she understood that she had thrown away the last one. Let's just say it was a very late night for her. She finally conked at 10:30 in our bed. She hasn't had a nap until today - she wasn't quite tired enough to relax w/o the binky. I guess only skipping two days isn't bad. But today she took a very normal nap and last night she fell asleep no problems. I am soooo happy about this and so proud of her!
you also failed to mention her very grown-up and darling new hair cut!
Can you believe how grown up our kids are now? I can't believe how fast the time has flown. And I agree, her hair is really cute.
Wow, what a big girl! Her hair is adorable too! So, I was thinking maybe you could name the new baby Winston. :) LOL
That gives me hope that Parker might be willing to fore-go the binky (and diapers) soon too! Yeah for your big girl!
Wow way to go Jessica!!! Whew! Taking away the night time pacifier was the WORST! Yikes! Nobody can truly understand unless they have a child that is completely and utterly hooked. I finally took Azure's away (she had only been having it at night since she was about 20 months) when she was 27 months. I expected wailing and actually only got some wimpering and small pleading but after three days it was completely understood that she was a big girl and that big girls did not have pacis. Great job on the potty training! From first hand experience having TWO in diapers is SO not fun! I am sooooo glad that Azure is potty trained now and count my blessings every day!! :) When did Jessica get the new hair cut??? Did I miss that post or something????? It's soooo cute!!
I like the picture of her "sleeping."
No diapers or binky -- life is good!
Okay I haven't checked your blog for a little while and I noticed you posted in mine and you are PREGNANT TOO!! That is so exciting I am jealous that you will due before me but how exciting!!! Congratulations. Our babies will be close so that is awesome! We are finding out Oct. 30 what we are having so you will have to check out our blog to see if it is a boy or a girl!! I am so excited!!!
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