Jessica's preschool class took a field trip this week to a pumpkin patch. Chandler and I tagged along for the fun.
We started with a fun stroll through the hay maze:
Chandler loved the little pumpkins...
and the rocks.
Yeah, mostly the rocks.
While Chan was busy throwing rocks, Jessica went off in search of the perfect pumpkin.
Next the kids piled on a mini train for a ride around the patch. Chandler is only there for the photo op. I know him well enough to know he wouldn't last two seconds on there w/o me.
While the preschoolers were off on their ride, Chandler stayed busy jumping off of a mini-ledge. This kid could be happy for hours just jumping off of street curb size ledges.
See, I was there too. It always amazes me how few pictures there are of me in existence. I guess that's what it is to be Mom.
This little photo shoot was too funny. We couldn't come close to having all the kids look at us, much less smile. Goofs. Oh, and see the little boy in the red striped shirt? That is Luke. He's the boy who's has captured Jessica's heart. Her first crush at 4 years old. Oh dear.
Jessica and Chan (and there's Luke again) :)
Even though he didn't want to ride on the train, Chandler wanted a picture with it. This is the face he makes whenever we tell him to smile. I love that boy.
Speaking of Chandler, this is him today, with Sprite and Saltines. Poor guy was up all night throwing up. He's been content today just to lie on the couch and chill.