It's good to see that this whole potty training thing is becoming more natural to her. She is continuing to improve and I'm just so proud of her!
Ok, so I have a question. Ever since she was little, everyone has said that Jessica looks just like me. But I'm starting to think her "Michael looks" are starting to come out now. What do you think? Who does she look most like?
Here was Michael at Jessica's age. (Thanks for the recommendation Jon).
I can see a little bit of Michael in her every once in a while, but I definitely think that she looks like her cute mommy :-)
Well, I think that if would probably make the most sense to compare pictures of all of you at 18 months. I think she definitely still looks like you did when you were her age. I don't know what Michael looked like back then.
I'm also going to say she looks like you. She's too cute for me. -Michael
This is easy. She looks like BOTH of you. Of course, when she acts up, you can always blame the other.
She's a Laura clone. 100%.
Well, from those pictures, I agree she's a "mini me" of Laura.
I think she she's still looking more like her mommy (although you can definitely tell that she's Michael's baby too)! :) I love the picture of Jessica with her baby and the potty chair! Azure has been teaching all of her babies and stuffed animals how to use the potty as well. How has the training potty you chose worked for you?? I keep going back and forth on which on (if any) to buy so I'm trying to get some input about it. :) Sorry I didn't get to talk with you at the park today!!! Unfortunately my social life means NOTHING to Azure (shocking I know)!! Haha!
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