Monday, February 18, 2008

New Haircut

Jessica just got her first real haircut! We trimmed the back to make it even and not mullet-ish. Then we gave her some bangs. They're mostly straight. :) Hey, I did my best. I'm still so torn about the new look. It's cute, but she just looks so much older. I don't know if I'm ready for my little girl to look not so little anymore.

In other BIG news...wait for it, wait for it... Jessica has officially entered the wonderful world of potty training! I know, I said I was going to wait, but after talking with a few people they all said that if I felt like she was ready, what could it hurt? I am so glad I went for it. We've been going for about 6 days and Jessica never fails to amaze me. Don't get me wrong, we're still struggling in certain areas - she won't tell me when she has to go, etc. But overall she's doing amazing! She caught on so quickly and now if I ask her if she wants to try and go she'll either say "no" or "ok." The best part is that we've gotten to the point where I can trust what she says. This morning she woke up dry! Awesome! We're so proud of her.


Keeping up with the Joneses said...

She looks darling! I can't belive she is only 4 months older than Ella!! Way to go on the potty training! I'm jealous you are already there! Way to go Jessica!

Bill, Kristin, Will and Kayla said...

Man, I'm jealous Laura. I still haven't figured out how to potty train Will. It looks like his cousin is going to be ahead of him on this one!

Cyndi said...

Oh so sweet little Jessica is getting to be so sweet big Jessica! Way to go on the potty thing. Congrats!

Darger Party of 3 said...

WOW!!! GO JESS!! (literally)

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you both!! Welcome to the gang of potty trained misses!! Go Jess, Go Laura shake your botty! By the way that is the tune we sing when we all go potty at our house! It's an oldie but goodie.

Chantal said...

Her hair looked so cute at Church! She dues look older but still so cute! congrats. on potty training!